00000000000000000000000000. Dear friends from around the world, I have the pleasure in presenting you Uylia a model and friend fromUkraine. Please note that there is not a contractual relationship of any kind between Miss Uylia and& ...
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Shot by photographer Elizaveta Porodina, Chrystal Copland models Louis Vuitton alongside fellow model Hannah Holman in the September 2013 issue of Vogue Ukraine! Click here to see the spread on Models.com!
Gleb Garanich/Reuters A wooden model, Cylon, is posed holding a newspaper in the flat of its maker, Dmitry Balandin, in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. It took Mr Balandin, who works as a crane operator, six months to build the& ...
Ukraine is searching for a model of cooperation with the Customs Union (CU), Ukraine`s President Viktor Yanukovych told a press conference in Kiev.
00000000000000000000000000. Dear friends from around the world, I have the pleasure in presenting you Uylia a model and friend fromUkraine. Please note that there is not a contractual relationship of any kind between Miss Uylia and& ...
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- Sep 23 Mon 2013 10:02
Ukraine Model
Ukraine Model